How to Play
Getting Started!
Starting Commands
- First thing you'll want to do when loading into the server and spawn is press "m".
- This is how you will choose your starter
- Next let's get acquainted with some useful starting commands.
- /club - Takes you to the Club build region.
- /diamond - Takes you to the Diamond build region.
- There are no differences between the two regions, just player count.
- /claim - This is how you claim land in the build worlds.
- /rsw - Takes you to the resource world.
- This dimension resets daily. This is where you can go looking for loot or just simple resources.
- /rtp - Spawns you in a random new location.
- This only works in the regions and RSW, you won't be able to use this in spawn. It will keep you in the same world that you used it in.
- /sethome (name) - This allows you to set a home that you can come back too.
- /home (name) - This is how you get back to your home.
- Note: Player ranks are limited to one home. You can obtain more by purchasing a rank.
- /spawn - This takes you back to spawn.
- Full list of commands below!
- /warp - You can use this to fast travel to specific places in spawn.
- /warplist - You can see all available locations you can fast travel to.
- Here is where you will find NPC shops, Poke center, Forger, and more.
- You can warp to the following locations with /warp:
- Breeding
- Forger
- MarketPlace
- PokeCenter
- Pokea
- TMsTRs
- You can buy and sell items in the Market place.
- Mob Drops
- Pokeballs
- Apricorns and sprouts
- TMs/TRs
- Mythical Blocks
- Elevators
- Farming Items
- Vegetation
- The Poke Center has PC and healers you can use until you craft your own.
- The Forger allows you to equip your wraps onto your tools and armor.
- There is a Pokea Furniture store where you can use gems to purchase furniture.
- Gems are acquired through raids.

Market Place - located west side of Spawn.
Poke Center - located west just before Market Place.
Pokea Furniture - located south of spawn.
Forger - located slightly northeast of spawn.
Things to do!
- Building - One of the biggest things is building! Make a spot in one of the build regions and let your imagination go wild!
- Poke Dollars - You can sell items via /pokesell, /shop, and /gts.
- /gts is the Global Trading System. This is where you can put items and Pokémon up for others to buy or for you to browse.
- /gts add item (slot number) (price) - This will list your item onto gts
- /gts add pokemon (party slot) (price) - This will list your Pokémon on gts
- /gts is the Global Trading System. This is where you can put items and Pokémon up for others to buy or for you to browse.
- Explore - Head into /rsw to mine for resources or find structures with loot in them.
- Shiny Hunting - catch the same exact species in a row to increase your odds at finding a shiny!
- 11+ Pokémon you will be guaranteed 1 perfect IV along with 1/1024 shiny odds
- 21+ Pokémon you will be guaranteed 2 perfect IVs along with 1/512 shiny odds
- 31+ Pokémon you will be guaranteed 3 perfect IVs along with 1/341 shiny odds
- Your chain will break after 41 catches or once a shiny has spawned! Your chain will stay for 2 hours upon you logging off the server.
- Raid Crystals - Find these crystals in the RSW and battle them for unique rewards!
- Enchanting - Custom made enchanting system!
- Daycare - spend time with /daycare to breed your perfect Pokémon!
- More information on these can be found here.

Claims can be a bit confusing at first, but you can always ask in chat if you need additional help, I will try my best here to help walk you through the process.
- You gain claim blocks by being online.
- There is a max accrued of 6,400 blocks.
- Claims must be at least 4 chunks away from other players, this allows them the room to expand if wanted.
- Start by doing /claim or holding a golden shovel.
- Right-click on the ground where you want the first corner of your claim to be, walk over to the opposite side of where you want the second corner of your claim and right click again. It needs to be at least a 5x5 area, creating a square/rectangle.
- No one will be able to mess with your claimed area unless you give them trust.
- /trust (IGN) accessor - Grants a player entry to your claim(s) and use of your bed.
- /trust (IGN) container - Grants a player access to your claim's containers, crops, animals, bed, buttons, and levers.
- /trust (IGN) builder - Grants a player edit access to your claim(s)
/trust (IGN) manager - Grants a player access to all of the above including claim settings.
- If you lost where your claim is, you can do /claimlist to pull up all your claims, there is an option to tp back, you might have to scroll up in chat.
- Note: command must be done in the world your claim is in.
- You can expand your claim by right clicking an existing corner or doing /claimexpand (amount).
- /abandonclaim while standing in a claim to remove it.
- More in-depth information on claims can be found here.
- /homelist - Pulls up a list of homes where you can teleport to or manage them
- /delhome (name) - Deletes a home
- /pay (amount) (IGN) (currency type) - Sends payment to another player
- /pets - Opens up the pets UI
- /mounts - Opens up the mounts UI
- /tpa (IGN) - Teleport to a player
- /tpaaccept - Accepts incoming teleport
- /pokegift (IGN)(Slot number) - Allows you to send a Pokémon to a player
- /checkspawn (rarity) - Shows Pokémon spawns in the area you are standing
- /balance - Shows your balance
- /balance gems - Shows your gems balance
- /trash - Portable trash can
- /lastlegend - Shows the last legend that spawned
- Press "k" for cosmetics (If this doesn't work, check your keybinds)
- Press "b" for card binder (If this doesn't work, check your keybinds)
Pokémon Spawns
Rank Commands/Perks:
- Ranks can be achieved in a couple different ways.
- Giveaways, bought outright (one time purchase), or just by spending the rank amount on the store on other items. You can check in game with /store to see your next milestone.
- Ranks come with kits that are monthly (30 days) and you can claim via /kits.
- Higher ranks get access to all the lower rank commands and kits.
- /pc - Allows you to open your pc from anywhere
- 3x Homes
- Kit:
- 1x Random Crate
2x Random Scroll
1x Random Pokedoll
16x Poke Ball
16x Great Ball
5x XS Candy
5x S Candy
5x M Candy
5x L Candy
5x XL Candy
1x Pokeball Scroll
1x Nature Scroll
1x Gender Scroll
1x Hidden Ability Scroll
1x Rainbow Crate
1x Universal Crate
1x Gilded Crate
- 1x Random Crate
- 5x Homes
- Kit:
- 1x Random Crate
2x Random Scroll
2x Random Pokedoll
16x Great Ball
16x Ultra Ball
16x Quick Ball
5x XS Candy
5x S Candy
5x M Candy
5x L Candy
5x XL Candy
1x Pokeball Scroll
1x Nature Scroll
1x Gender Scroll
1x Hidden Ability Scroll
1x +1 Attack IV Scroll
1x +1 Defense IV Scroll
1x +1 HP IV Scroll
1x +1 Special Attack IV Scroll
1x +1 Special Defense IV Scroll
1x +1 Speed IV Scroll
1x Rainbow Crate
1x Universal Crate
1x Gilded Crate
- 1x Random Crate
- /nick - Give yourself a nickname
- 10x Homes
- Kit:
- 1x Random Crate
4x Random Scroll
3x Random Pokedoll
16x Ultra Ball
16x Quick Ball
16x Dusk Ball
10x XS Candy
10x S Candy
10x M Candy
10x L Candy
10x XL Candy
8x Rare Candy
1x Pokeball Scroll
1x Nature Scroll
1x Gender Scroll
1x Hidden Ability Scroll
2x +1 Attack IV Scroll
2x +1 Defense IV Scroll
2x +1 HP IV Scroll
2x +1 Special Attack IV Scroll
2x +1 Special Defense IV Scroll
2x +1 Speed IV Scroll
1x Rainbow Crate
1x Universal Crate
- 1x Random Crate
- /pokeheal - Allows you to heal your Pokémon from anywhere
- 15x Homes
- Kit:
- 2x Random Crate
4x Random Scroll
8x Random Pokedoll
16x Ultra Ball
16x Quick Ball
16x Dusk Ball
16x Level Ball
10x XS Candy
10x S Candy
10x M Candy
10x L Candy
10x XL Candy
8x Rare Candy
2x Pokeball Scroll
2x Nature Scroll
2x Gender Scroll
2x Hidden Ability Scroll
5x +1 Attack IV Scroll
5x +1 Defense IV Scroll
5x +1 HP IV Scroll
5x +1 Special Attack IV Scroll
5x +1 Special Defense IV Scroll
5x +1 Speed IV Scroll
2x Rainbow Crate
1x Universal Crate
2x Gilded Crate
- 2x Random Crate
- 20x Homes
- Kit:
- 2x Random Crate
6x Random Scroll
2x Random New Doll Wave
8x Random Pokedoll
32x Ultra Ball
32x Quick Ball
32x Dusk Ball
32x Level Ball
15x XS Candy
15x S Candy
15x M Candy
15x L Candy
15x XL Candy
16x Rare Candy
2x Pokeball Scroll
2x Nature Scroll
2x Gender Scroll
2x Hidden Ability Scroll
5x +1 Attack IV Scroll
5x +1 Defense IV Scroll
5x +1 HP IV Scroll
5x +1 Special Attack IV Scroll
5x +1 Special Defense IV Scroll
5x +1 Speed IV Scroll
2x Rainbow Crate
2x Universal Crate
2x Blazing Crate
2x Gilded v2
1x Twilight Crate
1x Rocket Boots
- 2x Random Crate
- 25x Homes
- Kit:
- 4x Random Crate
6x Random Scroll
1x Random Shiny Pokemon
1x Random Shiny Legendary
2x Random New Doll Wave
5x Random Pokedoll
2x Master Ball
20x XS Candy
20x S Candy
20x M Candy
20x L Candy
20x XL Candy
16x Rare Candy
2x Pokeball Scroll
2x Nature Scroll
2x Gender Scroll
2x Hidden Ability Scroll
8x +1 Attack IV Scroll
8x +1 Defense IV Scroll
8x +1 HP IV Scroll
8x +1 Special Attack IV Scroll
8x +1 Special Defense IV Scroll
8x +1 Speed IV Scroll
2x Rainbow Crate
2x Universal Crate
2x Blazing Crate
2x Gilded v2
1x Twilight Crate
1x Pixie Crate
2x Rocket Boots
- 4x Random Crate
- /feed - Fills your hunger bar
- 30x Homes
- Kit:
5x Random Crate
6x Random Scroll
2x Random Shiny Pokemon
1x Random Shiny Legendary
2x Random New Doll Wave
5x Random Pokedoll
2x Master Ball
5x Beast Balls
30x XS Candy
30x S Candy
30x M Candy
30x L Candy
30x XL Candy
32x Rare Candy
3x Pokeball Scroll
3x Nature Scroll
3x Gender Scroll
2x Hidden Ability Scroll
1x Shiny Scroll
10x +1 Attack IV Scroll
10x +1 Defense IV Scroll
10x +1 HP IV Scroll
10x +1 Special Attack IV Scroll
10x +1 Special Defense IV Scroll
10x +1 Speed IV Scroll
2x Rainbow Crate
2x Universal Crate
2x Blazing Crate
3x Gilded v2
2x Twilight Crate
2x Pixie Crate
2x Rocket Boots