Held Items
Pokémon Drops
Ability Shield

An item to be held by a Pokémon. This cute and rather unique-looking shield protects the holder from having its Ability changed by others.

Aegislash 10%
Absorb Bulb

An item to be held by a Pokémon. It boosts Special Attack if the holder is hit with a Water-type attack. It can only be used once.
Can be found within Suspicious Gravel or Suspicious Sand inside of Prehistoric Lush Dens, Prehistoric Mossy Ponds and Prehistoric Mud Pit structures.
Oddish 2.5%
Gloom 5%
Vileplume 10%
Bellossom 10%
Roselia 5%
Budew 2.5%
Roserade 10%
Cottonee 2.5%
Whimsicott 5%
Petilil 2.5%
Lilligant 5%
Air Balloon

An item to be held by a Pokémon. The holder will float and cannot be affected by damaging Ground-type moves and any other Ground-related effects. If the holder is hit by a damaging move, the Air Balloon will pop.

Jigglypuff 5%
Wigglytuff 10%
Igglybuff 2.5%
Drifloon 2.5%
Drifblim 5%
Assault Vest

An item to be held by a Pokémon. This offensive vest raises Sp. Def but prevents the use of status moves.

Big Root

An item to be held by a Pokémon. It increases the HP recovered from the holder's draining moves by 30%.
Big Roots can be found spawning in small clusters hanging from the ceilings of caves above the deepslate layer. They can be found in any biome, and they spawn more frequently near y=62. Energy Roots have a 1/4th chance to replace a Big Root during generation.
Diglett 2.5%
- Diglett [Alolan] 2.5%
- Dugtrio 5%
- Dugtrio [Alolan] 5%
- Bellsprout 2.5%
- Weepinbell 5%
- Victreebel 10%
- Tangela 2.5%
- Lileep 5%
- Cradily 10%
- Carnivine 5%
- Tangrowth 5%
Binding Band

An item to be held by a Pokémon. It causes binding moves used by the holder to inflict 1/6 of the target's health instead of the usual 1/8 of the target's health at the end of each turn.

Black Belt

An item to be held by a Pokémon. It boosts the power of the holder's Fighting-type moves by 20%.

- Hitmonlee 5%
- Hitmonchan 5%
- Tyrogue 2.5%
- Hitmontop 5%
- Makuhita 2.5%
- Hariyama 5%
- Scraggy 2.5%
- Scrafty 5%
Black Glasses

An item to be held by a Pokémon. It boosts the power of the holder's Dark-type moves by 20%.

Umbreon 10%
- Sandile 2.5%
- Krokorok 5%
- Krookodile 10%
Black Mega Ring

An item to be equipped in the player's inventory. This allows you to Mega Evolve your Pokémon.
- In order to use the ring, you have to craft a Keystone that charges the ring as it has limited durability of 50.
- The following Pokémon can Mega Evolve:
Charizard X
Charizard Y
Mewtwo X
Mewtwo Y
Black Sludge

- An item to be held by a Pokémon. It heals Poison-types by 1/16 of their maximum HP at the end of each turn. If the holder is not a Poison-type Pokémon, it will lose 1/8 of its maximum HP instead.
Pokémon Drops.
Grimer 2.5%
- Muk 5%
- Koffing 2.5%
- Weezing 5%
- Gulpin 2.5%
- Swalot 5%
- Croagunk 2.5%
- Toxicroak 5%
- Varoom 2.5%
- Revavroom 5%
Blunder Policy

An item to be held by a Pokémon. It increases the holder's Speedy by two stages when one of the holder's moves misses a target due to an accuracy or evasion check.

Bright Powder

An item to be held by a Pokémon. It causes the opponent's attacks targeted at the holder to have a 10% extra reduction in accuracy.

Volbeat 5%
- Illumise 5%
- Scatterbug 2.5%
- Vivillon 5%
Cell Battery

An item to be held by a Pokémon. It increases the holder's Attack by one stage when hit by a damaging Electric-type move.

- Plusle 5%
- Minun 5%
Charcoal Stick

An item to be held by a Pokémon. It boosts the power of the holder's Fire-type moves by 20%.

- Charmander 5%
- Charmeleon 10%
- Charizard 25%
- Flareon 10%
- Moltres [Galarian]
- Cyndaquil 5%
- Quilava 10%
- Typhlosion 25%
- Torchic 5%
- Combusken 10%
- Blaziken 25%
- Torkoal 5%
- Chimchar 5%
- Monferno 10%
- Infernape 25%
- Tepig 5%
- Pignite 10%
- Emboar 25%
- Fennekin 5%
- Braixen 10%
- Delphox 25%
- Litten 5%
- Torracat 10%
- Incineroar 25%
- Scorbunny 5%
- Raboot 10%
- Cinderace 25%
- Fuecoco 5%
- Crocalor 10%
- Skeledirge 25%
- Charcadet 2.5%
- Armarouge 5%
- Ceruledge 5%
Choice Band

An item to be held by a Pokémon. It boosts the Attack of the Pokémon holding it by 50%, but only allows the use of the first move selected each time it is sent into battle.

Choice Scarf

An item to be held by a Pokémon. It boosts the Speed of the Pokémon holding it by 50%, but only allows the use of the first move selected each time it is sent into battle.

Choice Specs

An item to be held by a Pokémon. It boosts the Special Attack of the Pokémon holding it by 50%, but only allows the use of the first move selected each time it is sent into battle.

Cleanse Tag

An item to be held by a Pokémon. It currently has no effect.

- Chimecho 5%
- Chingling 2.5%
Covert Cloak

An item to be held by a Pokémon. It protects the holder from any additional effects from other Pokémon's damaging moves.

Damp Rock

An item to be held by a Pokémon. It extends the duration of rain from 5 turns to 8 turns, if the holder created the rain.

- Damp Rock can be found within Suspicious Gravel or Suspicious Sand inside of Prehistoric Dripstone Oases, Prehistoric Enhydro Agates, Prehistoric Hydrothermal Vents, Prehistoric Lush Dens, Prehistoric Mossy Ponds, Prehistoric Mud Pits, Prehistoric Rooted Pits, Prehistoric Submerged Impacts, Prehistoric Submerged Spikes, Prehistoric Suspicious Mound, Prehistoric Underwater Fissures and Prehistoric Vibrant Hydrothermal Vent structures.
Deep Sea Scale

- An item to be held by a Pokémon. Doubles Clamperl's Special Defense.
- It can also be used to evolve Clamperl into Gorebyss when held while trading or using a link cable.
Pokémon Drops.
Chinchou 2.5%
- Lanturn 5%
- Gorebyss 5%
- Relicanth 5%
- Luvdisc 2.5%
Deep Sea Tooth

- An item to be held by a Pokémon. Doubles Clamperl's Special Attack.
- It can also be used to evolve Clamperl into Huntail when held while trading or using a link cable.
Pokémon Drops.
Carvanha 2.5%
- Sharpedo 5%
- Huntail 5%
- Basculin 5%
Destiny Knot

An item to be held by a Pokémon. It causes the opponent to be infatuated if the holder is infatuated.
If held by a Pokémon in Day Care, any eggs belonging to the Pokémon that are found will inherit 5 of their individual values from both their parents, rather than 3. This means only 1 IV will be random.

Dragon Fang

An item to be held by a Pokémon. It boosts the power of the holder's Dragon-type moves by 20%.

- Dratini 2.5%
- Dragonair 5%
- Dragonite 10%
- Bagon 2.5%
- Shelgon 5%
- Salamence 10%
- Gible 2.5%
- Gabite 5%
- Garchomp 10%
Eject Button

An item to be held by a Pokémon. It causes the holder to switch out if hit by a damaging move. This can only happen once per battle and will not activate if there are no Pokémon to switch out to or if the holder is a wild Pokémon.

Eject Pack

An item to be held by a Pokémon. It causes the holder to automatically switch out whenever any of their stats are lowered.

- An item to be held by a Pokémon. It prevents the holder from evolving.
- In Daycare, when breeding Pokémon who would produce offspring that has a regional form, if a parent that is part of the same evolutionary line as the offspring holds an Everstone, bred Pokémon will be the same regional form as the parent that is holding the Everstone, regardless of the region they are bred in.
- It can be found within Suspicious Gravel inside of any of the prehistoric structures.
Pokémon Drops.
- Geodude 2.5%
- Graveler 5%
- Golem 10%
Roggenrola 2.5%
- Boldore 5%
- Gigalith 10%

An item to be held by a Pokémon. It boosts the holders Defense and Special Defense by 50% if they have not fully evolved.

- Eevee 5%
Exp. Share

An item to be held by a Pokémon. It grants experience to the Pokémon holding it, even if they don't participate in battle, as long as they are not fainted. Pokémon without participation receive 50% experience and full EVs, and participating Pokémon gain full experience and EVs. Multiple Exp. Shares can be used simultaneously without interference.

Expert Belt

An item to be held by a Pokémon. It boosts the damage of the holder's super effective moves by 20%.

- Riolu 2.5%
- Lucario 5%
- Litten 5%
- Torracat 10%
- Incineroar 25%
Fairy Feather

- An item to be held by a Pokémon. It boosts the power of Fairy-type moves by 20%.
- It can be obtained via Suspicious Blocks found within prehistoric Lush Dens, Prehistoric Oak Trees, and Prehistoric Spruce Tree structures.
Pokémon Drops.
- Clefairy 5%
- Clefable 10%
- Cleffa 2.5%
- Sylveon 10%
- Flamigo 5%
Flame Orb

An item to be held by a Pokémon. It burns its holder at the end of the turn.

- Heatmor 5%
Float Stone

- An item to be held by a Pokémon. It causes the holder's weight to be halved, to a minimum of 0.1kg.
- Pokémon Drops.
- Carbink 5%
- Glimmet 2.5%
- Glimmora 5%
Focus Band

An item to be held by a Pokémon. It has a 10% chance of preventing the Pokémon holding it from fainting with 1 HP Remaining.

- Machop 2.5%
- Machoke 5%
- Machamp 10%
Focus Sash

An item to be held by a Pokémon. If the Pokémon is at full HP, prevents the Pokémon holding it from fainting in one hit, instead leaving it with 1 HP remaining. This item only activates once per battle.

Hard Stone

An item to be held by a Pokémon. It boosts the power of the holder's Rock-type moves by 20%.

- Onix 2.5%
- Sudowoodo 5%
- Larvitar 2.5%
- Pupitar 5%
- Tyranitar 10%
- Nosepass 2.5%
- Aron 2.5%
- Lairon 5%
- Aggron 10%
- Regirock
- Bonsly 2.5%
- Probopass 5%
- Roggenrola 2.5%
- Boldore 5%
- Gigalith 10%
- Dwebble 2.5%
- Crustle 5%
- Terrakion
- Rockruff 2.5%
- Lycanroc 5%
Heat Rock

An item to be held by a Pokémon. It extends the duration of harsh sunlight from 5 turns to 8 turns, if the holder created the harsh sunlight.

- Heat Rock can be found within Suspicious Gravel inside of Prehistoric Eroded Pillars, Prehistoric Oak Trees, Prehistoric Birch Trees, Prehistoric Sandy Dens, Prehistoric Sunscorched Dens, Prehistoric Sunscorched Remains and Prehistoric Suspicious Mound structures.
Heavy-Duty Boots

An item to be held by a Pokémon. It makes the holder immune to entry hazards such as Stealth Rock, Spikes, and Sticky Web.

Icy Rock

An item to be held by a Pokémon. It extends the duration of hail or snow from 5 turns to 8 turns, if the holder created the hail or snow.

- Icy Rock can be found within Suspicious Gravel inside of Prehistoric Frozen Ponds, Prehistoric Frozen Spikes, Prehistoric Powdered Deposits, Prehistoric Preserved Skeletons, Prehistoric Spruce Trees and Prehistoric Submerged Spike structures.
Iron Ball

An item to be held by a Pokémon. It reduces the holder's Speed by 50%.
- It also causes the holder to be grounded and thus susceptible to Ground-type moves, Arena Trap, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Sticky Web and terrain, even if it is a Flying-type or is levitating.

- Pineco 2.5%
- Forretress 5%
- Mawile 5%
Key Stone

It is used to add a charge to the Mega Rings that allow you to Mega Evolve your Pokémon.

King's Rock

An item to be held by a Pokémon. It grants the holder's damaging attacks a 10% chance of causing the target to flinch.
- It can be used to evolve Poliwhirl and Slowpoke into Politoed and Slowking respectively, when held while trading or using a link cable.

- Poliwag 2.5%
- Poliwhirl 5%
- Poliwrath 10%
- Slowpoke 2.5%
- Slowbro 5%
- Krabby 2.5%
- Kingler 5%
- Politoed 10%
- Slowking 10%
- Makuhita 2.5%
- Hariyama 5%

An item to be held by a Pokémon. It heals 1/16 of the holder's maximum HP at the end of each turn.
- Have a 2.5% chance to appear after eating an apple.
- Snorlax 5%
- Munchlax 2.5%
Life Orb

An item to be held by a Pokémon. It boosts the power of the holder's moves by 30%, but causes the holder to take damage equal to 10% of its maximum HP after using a damaging move.

- Absol 5%
Light Ball

An item to be held by a Pokémon. It doubles both the Attack and Special Attack of the Pikachu holding it. If held by any other Pokémon, this item has no effect.
- Pokémon Drops.
- Pikachu 5%
- Raichu 10%
- Pichu 2.5%
Light Clay

An item to be held by a Pokémon. It extends the duration of the moves Reflect, Aurora Veil, and Light Screen from five turns to eight.

- Mr. Mime 5%
- Baltoy 2.5%
- Claydol 5%
- Mime Jr. 2.5%
- Sigilyph 5%
- Elgyem 2.5%
- Beheeyem 5%
- Golett 2.5%
- Golurk 5%
- Mudbray 2.5%
- Mudsdale 5%
Loaded Dice

An item to be held by a Pokémon. It causes multi-hit moves used by the holder to always hit at least four times if possible.

Lucky Egg

An item to be held by a Pokémon. It boosts the amount of experience a Pokémon gains after battle by 50%.
- Pokémon Drops.
- Chansey 10%
- Blissey 25%

An item to be held by a Pokémon. It boosts the power of the holder's Electric-type moves by 20%.

- Magnemite 2.5%
- Magneton 5%
- Jolteon 10%
- Zapdos
- Raikou
- Nosepass 2.5%
- Plusle 5%
- Minun 5%
- Magnezone 10%
- Probopass 5%
Medicinal Leek

An item to be held by a Pokémon. It boosts the critical hit ratio of a Farfetch'd or Sirfetch'd that holds it by two stages.
- Breaking a fully grown medicinal leek drops 2-3 medicinal leeks, while a non-fully grown one will only ever drop 1. Using a tool enchanted with fortune will cause a fully grown leek to drop more, up to a maximum of 5 leeks.
- Medicinal leeks can be found spawning in clusters of 4~ spread out near the shores of non-saltwater water biomes. This includes rivers, swamps, and any modded biome tagged as Freshwater.
When planted on top of water or any waterlogged block, medicinal leeks will go through 4 growth stages. Their growth rate is not affected by light or other environmental factors.
When bone meal is used on a medicinal leek, its growth stage will increase by one.
- Farfetch'd
- Farfetch'd [Galarian]
- Sirfetch'd
Mega Stone

An item to be held by a Pokémon. It Allows your Pokémon to Mega Evolve while in battle.
- These items can be rewarded from many things such as defeating a Mega Raid, Dungeon loot, and Lucky Pond.
Mental Herb

An item to be held by a Pokémon. It cures the holder of infatuation, Taunt, Encore, Torment, Heal Block, or Disable. It will be consumed after use.
- By utilizing a bag of Surprise Mulch at Stage 0, a Stage 9 Revival Herb crop can be mutated into one of the 4 following crops: Mental Herb, Power Herb, White Herb, or Mirror Herb.
- Breaking a Mental Herb crop drops 1 Mental Herb.
- Mental Herb can be composted with a 100% chance of adding a layer.
- Lotad 2.5%
- Lombre 5%
- Ludicolo 10%
Metal Coat

An item to be held by a Pokémon. It boosts the power of the holder's Steel-type moves by 20%.
- It is used to evolve Scyther and Onix into Scizor and Steelix respectively, when held while trading or using a link cable.

- Magnemite 2.5%
- Magneton 5%
- Steelix 10%
- Skarmory 5%
- Beldum 2.5%
- Metang 5%
- Metagross 10%
- Registeel
- Magnezone 10%
- Cobalion
- Corviknight 10%

An item to be held by a Pokémon. It boosts the power of moves used consecutively by the Pokémon holding it by 20% for each previous, consecutive turn the move has been used successfully, up to a maximum increase of 100% (or 6 or more consecutive uses).

Miracle Seed

An item to be held by a Pokémon. It boosts the power of the holder's Grass-type moves by 20%.

- Bulbasaur 5%
- Ivysaur 10%
- Venusaur 25%
- Chikorita 5%
- Bayleef 10%
- Meganium 25%
- Celebi
- Treecko 5%
- Grovyle 10%
- Sceptile 25%
- Turtwig 5%
- Grotle 10%
- Torterra 25%
- Cherubi 2.5%
- Cherrim 5%
- Carnivine 5%
- Leafeon 10%
- Snivy 5%
- Servine 10%
- Serperior 25%
- Pansage 2.5%
- Simisage 5%
- Maractus 5%
- Virizion
- Chespin 5%
- Quilladin 10%
- Chesnaught 25%
- Pumpkaboo 2.5%
- Gourgeist 5%
- Rowlet 5%
- Dartrix 10%
- Decidueye 25%
- Fomantis 2.5%
- Lurantis 5%
- Grookey 5%
- Thwackey 10%
- Rillaboom 25%
- Sprigatito 5%
- Floragato 10%
- Meowscarada 25%
Mirror Herb

An item to be held by a Pokémon. It copies all of the opponent's increased stats. It will be consumed after use.
By utilizing a bag of Surprise Mulch at Stage 0, a Stage 9 Revival Herb crop can be mutated into one of the 4 following crops: Mental Herb, Power Herb, White Herb, or Mirror Herb.
Breaking a Mirror Herb crop drops 1 Mirror Herb.
- Mirror Herb can be composted with a 100% chance of adding a layer.
Muscle Band

An item to be held by a Pokémon. It boosts the power of the holder's physical moves by 10%.

- Mankey 2.5%
- Primeape 5%
- Machop 2.5%
- Machoke 5%
- Machamp 10%
- Timburr 2.5%
- Gurdurr 5%
- Conkeldurr 10%
- Annihilape 10%
Mystic Water

An item to be held by a Pokémon. It boosts the power of the holder's Water-type moves by 20%.

- Squirtle 5%
- Wartortle 10%
- Blastoise 25%
- Psyduck 2.5%
- Golduck 5%
- Goldeen 2.5%
- Seaking 5%
- Lapras 5%
- Vaporeon 10%
- Totodile 5%
- Croconaw 10%
- Feraligatr 25%
- Suicune
- Mudkip 5%
- Marshtomp 10%
- Swampert 25%
- Piplup 5%
- Prinplup 10%
- Empoleon 25%
- Phione
- Oshawott 5%
- Dewott 10%
- Samurott 25%
- Panpour 2.5%
- Simipour 5%
- Froakie 5%
- Frogadier 10%
- Greninja 25%
- Popplio 5%
- Brionne 10%
- Primarina 25%
- Dewpider 2.5%
- Araquanid 5%
- Sobble 5%
- Drizzile 10%
- Inteleon 25%
- Quaxly 5%
- Quaxwell 10%
- Quaquaval 25%
Never-Melt Ice

An item to be held by a Pokémon. It boosts the power of the holder's Ice-type moves by 20%.
- Seel 2.5%
- Dewgong 5%
- Lapras 5%
- Articuno
- Swinub 2.5%
- Piloswine 5%
- Glaceon 10%
- Mamoswine 10%
- Cryogonal 5%
- Amaura 10%
- Aurorus 10%
- Bergmite 2.5%
- Avalugg 5%
Poison Barb

- An item to be held by a Pokémon. It boosts the power of the holder's Poison-type moves by 20%.

- Beedrill 5%
- Nidoran F 2.5%
- Nidorina 5%
- Nidoqueen 10%
- Nidoran M 2.5%
- Nidorino 5%
- Nidoking 10%
- Tentacool 2.5%
- Tentacruel 5%
- Spinarak 2.5%
- Ariados 5%
- Gligar 2.5%
- Qwilfish 2.5%
- Sneasel [Hisuian] 2.5%
- Roselia 5%
- Cacnea 2.5%
- Cacturne 5%
- Budew 2.5%
- Roserade 10%
- Combee 2.5%
- Vespiquen 5%
- Gliscor 10%
- Venipede 2.5%
- Gliscor 10%
- Venipede 2.5%
- Whirlipede 5%
- Scolipede 10%
- Mareanie 2.5%
- Toxapex 5%
- Sneasler 5%
- Overqwil 5%
Power Anklet

An item to be held by a Pokémon. It gives extra Speed EVs when the holder participates in battle.
- It will guarantee the passing down of the holder's Speed IVs to the child when bred.

Power Band

- An item to be held by a Pokémon. It gives extra Special Defense EVs when the holder participates in battle.
- It will guarantee the passing down of the holder's Special Defense IVs to the child when bred.

Power Belt

- An item to be held by a Pokémon. It gives extra Defense EVs when the holder participates in battle.
- It will guarantee the passing down of the holder's Defense IVs to the child when bred.

Power Bracer

- An item to be held by a Pokémon. It gives extra Attack EVs when the holder participates in battle.
- It will guarantee the passing down of the holder's Attack IVs to the child when bred.

Power Herb

An item to be held by a Pokémon. It allows the holder to execute a move that charges in one turn. It will be consumed on use.
- By utilizing a bag of Surprise Mulch at Stage 0, a Stage 9 Revival Herb crop can be mutated into one of the 4 following crops: Mental Herb, Power Herb, White Herb, or Mirror Herb.
Breaking a Power Herb crop drops 1 Power Herb.
- Power Herb can be composted with a 100% chance of adding a layer.
Power Lens

- An item to be held by a Pokémon. It gives extra Special Attack EVs when the holder participates in battle.
- It will guarantee the passing down of the holder's Special Attack IVs to the child when bred.

Power Weight

- An item to be held by a Pokémon. It gives extra HP EVs when the holder participates in battle.
- It will guarantee the passing down of the holder's HP IVs to the child when bred.

Protective Pads

An item to be held by a Pokémon. It protects the holder from the effects of moves that make contact with the target.

Punching Glove

An item to be held by a Pokémon. It increases the power of the holder's punching moves by 10% and prevents contact with the targets via these moves.

Quick Claw

An item to be held by a Pokémon. It grants the holder a 20% chance of going first if the moves all Pokémon use are within the same Speed priority level.
- Pokémon Drops.
- Sandshrew 2.5%
- Sandslash 5%
- Meowth 2.5%
- Persian 5%
- Sneasel 2.5%
- Shinx 2.5%
- Luxio 5%
- Luxray 10%
- Weavile 5%
Razor Claw

An item to be held by a Pokémon. It raises the holder's critical hit ratio by one stage.
It is also an evolution item that can be used to evolve Sneasel into Weavile if Sneasel holds the Razor Claw at night.
- Pokémon Drops.
- Meowth [Galarian] 2.5%
- Kabuto 5%
- Kabutops 10%
- Zapdos [Galarian]
- Sneasel 2.5%
- Absol 5%
- Weavile 5%
- Jangmo-o 2.5%
- Hakamo-o 5%
- Kommo-o
- Persserker 5%
- Sneasler 5%
Razor Fang

An item to be held by a Pokémon. It grants the holder's damaging attacks a 10% chance of causing the target to flinch.
- It is also an evolution item that can be used to evolve Gligar into Gliscor if Gligar holds the Razor Fang at night.
- Pokémon Drops.
- Ekans 2.5%
- Arbok 5%
- Zubat 2.5%
- Golbat 5%
- Crobat 10%
- Girafarig 2.5%
- Gligar 2.5%
- Mawile 5%
- Gliscor 10%
- Tyrunt 5%
- Tyrantrum 10%
- Bruxish 5%
- Farigiraf 5%
Red Card

An item to be held by a Pokémon. It causes the attacker to switch out if the holder is hit by another Pokémon's damaging move. The item only activates once per battle and will not activate if the attacker is a wild Pokémon or its Trainer has no Pokémon to switch in.

Rocky Helmet

An item to be held by a Pokémon. It causes a Pokémon that uses a move that makes contact with the holder to take 1/6 of its maximum HP in damage.

- Aerodactyl 10%
Room Service

An item to be held by a Pokémon. It causes the holders speed to drop by one stage if the effects of the move Trick Room are active whilst the holder is active. Once the effect takes place, this item is consumed for the remainder of the battle.

Safety Googles

An item to be held by a Pokémon. It grants the holder immunity to powder and spore moves, as well as protection from damage caused by hail and sandstorm.

Scope Lens

An item to be held by a Pokémon. It increases the holder's critical hit ratio by one stage.

Sharp Beak

An item to be held by a Pokémon. It boosts the power of the holder's Flying-type moves by 20%.
- Pokémon Drops.
- Pidgeotto 2.5%
- Pidgeot 5%
- Spearow 2.5%
- Fearow 5%
- Doduo 2.5%
- Dodrio 5%
- Moltres [Galarian]
- Skarmory 5%
- Swellow 2.5%
- Staravia 2.5%
- Staraptor 5%
- Tranquill 2.5%
- Unfezant 5%
- Braviary 2.5%
- Fletchinder 2.5%
- Talonflame 5%
- Trumbeak 2.5%
- Toucannon 5%
- Corvisquire 2.5%
- Kilowattrel 2.5%
Shed Shell

An item to be held by a Pokémon. It allows the holder to switch out even if it is under the effects of a trapping move or ability. This does not, however, allow the player to flee or Teleport under these effects.
Shell Bell

An item to be held by a Pokémon. It restores HP equal to 1/8 of the damage dealt by the holder's damaging moves.

- Shellder 2.5%
- Cloyster 5%
- Clamperl 2.5%
- Oshawott 5%
- Dewott 10%
- Samurott 25%
Silk Scarf

An item to be held by a Pokémon. It boosts the power of the holder's Normal-type moves by 20%.

- Eevee 5%
- Sentret 2.5%
- Furret 5%
Silver Powder

An item to be held by a Pokémon. It boosts the power of the holder's Bug-type moves by 20%.
- Pokémon Drops.
- Butterfree 5%
- Venomoth 5%
- Masquerain 5%
- Larvesta 2.5%
- Volcarona 5%
Smoke ball

An item to be held by a Pokémon. It guarantees the holder can flee from wild Pokémon
- This item is currently unobtainable in survival and can only be obtained via creative or cheats.
Smooth Rock

An item to be held by a Pokémon. It extends the duration of sandstorms when held, increasing its duration from 5 turns to 8 turns.

- Smooth Rocks can be found within Suspicious Gravel or Suspicious Sand inside of Prehistoric Eroded Pillars, Prehistoric Sandy Dens, Prehistoric Sunscorched Dens, Prehistoric Sunscorched Remains structures.
Soft Sand

An item to be held by a Pokémon. It boosts the power of the holder's Ground-type moves by 20%.

- Sandshrew 2.5%
- Sandslash 5%
- Diglett 2.5%
- Dugtrio 5%
- Nincada 2.5%
- Trapinch 2.5%
- Vibrava 5%
- Flygon 10%
- Hippopotas 2.5%
- Hippowdon 5%
- Drilbur 2.5%
- Excadrill 5%
- Sandygast 2.5%
- Palossand 5%
Soothe Bell

An item to be held by a Pokémon. It increases the holder's amount of friendship earned by 50%.

- Chimecho 5%
- Chingling 2.5%
Spell Tag

An item to be held by a Pokémon. It boosts the power of the holder's Ghost-type moves by 20%.

- Gastly 2.5%
- Haunter 5%
- Gengar 10%
- Misdreavus 2.5%
- Mismagius 5%
- Spiritomb 5%
- Yamask 2.5%
- Cofagrigus 5%
- Phantump 2.5%
- Trevenant 5%
- Mimikyu 10%
Sticky Barb

An item to be held by a Pokémon. It damages 1/8 of the holder's maximum HP at the end of each turn. If a Pokémon with no held item hits the holder with a contact move, the Sticky Barb is transferred to the attacker.
- Pokémon drops.
- Cacnea 2.5%
- Cacturne 5%
- Maractus 5%
- Ferroseed 2.5%
- Ferrothorn 5%
Terrain Extender

An item to be held by a Pokémon. It increases the duration of the holder's moves and abilities which create terrain to 8 turns.

Throat Spray

An item to be held by a Pokémon. It increases the holder's special attack by one stage when they use a sound-based move. This consumes the item until the end of the battle.
Toxic Orb

An item to be held by a Pokémon. It badly poisons its holder at the end of the turn.

- Grimer 2.5%
- Muk 5%
Twisted Spoon

An item to be held by a Pokémon. It boosts the power of the holder's Psychic-type moves by 20%.

- Abra 2.5%
- Kadabra 5%
- Alakazam 10%
- Articuno [Galarian]
- Mewtwo
- Espeon 10%
- Ralts 2.5%
- Kirlia 5%
- Gardevoir 10%
- Gallade 10%
- Gothita 2.5%
- Gothorita 5%
- Gothitelle 10%
Utility Umbrella

An item to be held by a Pokémon. It causes the holder to be unaffected by the effects of rain and harsh sunlight.

Weakness Policy

An item to be held by a Pokémon. It raises the holder's Attack and Special Attack by two stages when hit by a super-effective move. This can only activate once per battle.

White Herb

An item to be held by a Pokémon. It restores all of the holder's decreased stats. It will be consumed after use.
- By utilizing a bag of Surprise Mulch at Stage 0, a Stage 9 Revival Herb crop can be mutated into one of the 4 following crops: Mental Herb, Power Herb, White Herb, or Mirror Herb.
- Breaking a White Herb crop drops 1 White Herb.
- White Herb can be composted with a 100% chance of adding a layer.
White Mega Ring

An item to be equipped in the player's inventory. This allows you to Mega Evolve your Pokémon.
- In order to use the ring, you have to craft a Keystone that charges the ring as it has limited durability of 35.
- The following Pokémon can Mega Evolve:
Charizard X
Charizard Y
Mewtwo X
Mewtwo Y
Wide Lens

An item to be held by a Pokémon. It boosts the holder's accuracy by 10%.

Wise Glasses

An item to be held by a Pokémon. It boosts the power of the holder's special moves by 10%.

- Hoothoot 2.5%
- Noctowl 5%
- Natu 2.5%
- Xatu 5%
Zoom Lens

An item to be held by a Pokémon. It boosts the holder's accuracy by 20% against targets which have already used a move in the same turn.