Pokémon Drops
- It is a plant that grows in a variety of colors on apricorn trees. They are used to craft most Poké Balls.
Apricorns can be found growing naturally on apricorn trees. Interacting with one when fully grown will yield a single apricorn item and will leave behind an apricorn bud in its first growth stage.
- Available in Spawn NPC:
- Buy Price: 25 Pokedollars
- Sell Price: 2 Pokedollars
- Voltorb [Hisuian] (Red)
- Electrode [Hisuian] (Red)
Apricorn Sprout
They are items that can be planted on dirt or grass blocks as apricorn saplings.
An apricorn sapling is the resulting block that can be grown into one of the seven types of apricorn tree.
- Apricorn sprouts have a 12.5% chance to drop alongside apricorns when harvested.
- Apricorns can be found growing naturally on randomly generated apricorn trees.
- Available in Spawn NPC:
- Buy Price: 250 Pokedollars
- Sell Price: 10 Pokedollars
Aguav Berry

- Effect on Pokemon: Restores 1/3 max HP at 1/4 HP or less, confuses Pokémon with Special Defense lowering natures.
- Bait Effect: 50% chance to attract a Pokémon with a Special Defense boosting nature,

- Berry Mutation: Rawst + Persim
Apicot Berry

- Effect on Pokemon: Raises the holder's Special Defense stat by 1 when at 1/4 max HP or less.
- Bait Effect: Increases the Pokémon's Special Defense IV by 5

- Berry Mutation: Grepa + Belue
Aspear Berry

- Effect on Pokemon: Holder is cured if it is frozen.
- Bait Effect: Makes Pokémon in the Water 1 and Water 2 Egg Groups 10x more likely to be encountered
- Berries are obtained from harvesting a berry tree, which can be found around the player's world. Each berry tree gives a selected amount of berries per yield.
- Seel 2.5%
- Dewgong 5%
- Shellder 2.5%
- Cloyster 5%
- Jynx 5%
- Lapras 5%
- Swinub 2.5%
- Piloswine 5%
- Remoraid 2.5%
- Octillery 5%
- Smoochum 2.5%
- Carvanha 2.5%
- Sharpedo 5%
- Mamoswine 10%
- Cubchoo 2.5%
- Beartic 5%
- Cryogonal 5%
- Bergmite 2.5%
- Avalugg 5%
- Crabrawler 2.5%
- Crabominable 5%
- Mr. Rime 10%
- Eiscue 5%
- Cetoddle 2.5%
- Cetitan 5%
Babiri Berry

- Effect on Pokemon: Halves damage from one super effective Steel-type attack.
- Bait Effect: Makes Steel Type Pokémon 10x more likely to be encountered
- Berries are obtained from harvesting a berry tree, which can be found around the player's world. Each berry tree gives a selected amount of berries per yield.
- Clefairy 5%
- Clefable 10%
- Vulpix [Alolan] 2.5%
- Ninetales [Alolan] 5%
- Mr. Mime 5%
- Cleffa 2.5%
- Snubbull 2.5%
- Granbull 5%
- Mime Jr. 2.5%
- Patrat 2.5%
- Watchdog 5%
- Carbink 5%
- Rockruff 2.5%
- Lycanroc 5%
- Hatenna 2.5%
- Hattrem 5%
- Hatterene 10%
Belue Berry

- Bait Effect: 100% chance to attract a Pokémon with a Defense boosting nature

- Berry Mutation: Payapa + Nomel
Big Root

An item to be held by a Pokémon. It increases the HP recovered from the holder's draining moves by 30%.
Big Roots can be found spawning in small clusters hanging from the ceilings of caves above the deepslate layer. They can be found in any biome, and they spawn more frequently near y=62. Energy Roots have a 1/4th chance to replace a Big Root during generation.
Diglett 2.5%
- Diglett [Alolan] 2.5%
- Dugtrio 5%
- Dugtrio [Alolan] 5%
- Bellsprout 2.5%
- Weepinbell 5%
- Victreebel 10%
- Tangela 2.5%
- Lileep 5%
- Cradily 10%
- Carnivine 5%
- Tangrowth 5%
Black Tumblestone

- It is a crystal ore that can grows in a variety of colors. They are used to craft Ancient Poké Balls.
- Tumblestone can be found as loot inside of ruins structures. It can also be obtained by mining a tumblestone cluster, yielding 1 if not fully grown or 4 if fully grown.
- Available in Spawn NPC:
- Buy Price: 80 Pokedollars
- Sell Price: 8 Pokedollars
Bluk Berry

- Bait Effect: 25% chance to attract a Pokémon with a Special Attack boosting nature
- Berries are obtained from harvesting a berry tree, which can be found around the player's world. Each berry tree gives a selected amount of berries per yield.
- Meowth [Alolan] 2.5%
- Persian [Alolan] 5%
- Murkrow 2.5%
- Illumise 5%
- Honchkrow 5%
- Purrloin 2.5%
- Liepard 5%
- Vullaby 2.5%
- Mandibuzz 5%
- Sliggoo [Hisuian] 5%
- Goodra [Hisuian] 10%
- Wimpod 2.5%
- Golisopod 5%
Braised Vivichoke

- It is a food item that can be eaten by the player to restore 6 hunger points and 7 saturation.

Charti Berry

- Effect on Pokemon: Halves damage from one super effective Rock-type attack.
- Bait Effect: Makes Rock Type Pokémon 10x more likely to be encountered
- Berries are obtained from harvesting a berry tree, which can be found around the player's world. Each berry tree gives a selected amount of berries per yield.
- Spearow 2.5%
- Fearow 5%
- Ledyba 2.5%
- Ledian 5%
- Yanma 2.5%
- Delibird 5%
- Taillow 2.5%
- Swellow 5%
- Torkoal 5%
- Combee 2.5%
- Vespiquen 10%
- Yanmega 5%
- Larvesta 2.5%
- Volcarona 5%
- Sizzlipede 2.5%
- Centiskorch 5%
Cheri Berry

- Effect on Pokemon: Holder cures itself if it is paralyzed.
- Bait Effect: Makes Pokémon in the Fairy and Grass Egg Groups 10x more likely to be encountered
- Berries are obtained from harvesting a berry tree, which can be found around the player's world. Each berry tree gives a selected amount of berries per yield.
- Voltorb [Hisuian] 2.5%
- Electrode [Hisuian] 5%
- Electabuzz 5%
- Mareep 2.5%
- Flaaffy 5%
- Ampharos 10%
- Elekid 2.5%
- Plusle 5%
- Minun 5%
- Pachirisu 5%
- Cherubi 2.5%
- Cherrim 5%
- Electivire 10%
- Blitzle 2.5%
- Zebstrika 5%
- Scatterbug 2.5%
- Spewpa 2.5%
- Vivillon 5%
- Dedenne 5%
- Cutiefly 2.5%
- Ribombee 5%
- Pawmi 2.5%
- Pawmo 5%
- Pawmot 10%
Chesto Berry

- Effect on Pokemon: Holder wakes up if it is asleep.
- Bait Effect: Makes Pokémon in the Human-Like and Flying Egg Groups 10x more likely to be encountered
- Berries are obtained from harvesting a berry tree, which can be found around the player's world. Each berry tree gives a selected amount of berries per yield.
- Poliwag 2.5%
- Poliwhirl 5%
- Poliwrath 10%
- Slowpoke 2.5%
- Slowbro 5%
- Drowzee 2.5%
- Hypno 5%
- Snorlax 5%
- Politoed 10%
- Slowking 10%
- Slakoth 2.5%
- Vigoroth 5%
- Slaking 10%
- Whismur 2.5%
- Loudred 5%
- Exploud 10%
- Wailmer 2.5%
- Wailord 5%
- Spinda 5%
- Spheal 2.5%
- Sealeo 5%
- Walrein 10%
- Munchlax 2.5%
- Hippopotas 2.5%
- Hippowdon 5%
- Komala 5%
- Mimikyu 5%
Chilan Berry

- Effect on Pokemon: Halves damage from one super effective Normal-type attack.
- Bait Effect: Makes Normal Type Pokémon 10x more likely to be encountered
- Berries are obtained from harvesting a berry tree, which can be found around the player's world. Each berry tree gives a selected amount of berries per yield.
- Pidgey 2.5%
- Pidgeotto 5%
- Pidgeot 10%
- Rattata 2.5%
- Raticate 5%
- Farfetch'd 5%
- Kangaskhan 5%
- Hoothoot 2.5%
- Noctowl 5%
- Lillipup 2.5%
- Herdier 5%
- Stoutland 10%
- Bunnelby 2.5%
- Diggersby 5%
- Tandemaus 2.5%
- Maushold 5%
- Squawkabilly 5%
Chople Berry

- Effect on Pokemon: Halves damage from one super effective Fighting-type attack.
- Bait Effect: Makes Fighting Type Pokémon 10x more likely to be encountered
- Berries are obtained from harvesting a berry tree, which can be found around the player's world. Each berry tree gives a selected amount of berries per yield.
- Sneasel 2.5%
- Larvitar 2.5%
- Pupitar 5%
- Tyranitar 10%
- Zigzagoon [Galarian] 2.5%
- Linoone [Galarian] 5%
- Nosepass 2.5%
- Aron 2.5%
- Lairon 5%
- Aggron 10%
- Buneary 2.5%
- Lopunny 5%
- Riolu 2.5%
- Lucario 5%
- Weavile 5%
- Probopass 5%
- Stufful 2.5%
- Bewear 5%
- Obstagoon 10%
Coarse Mulch

- It makes the Berry Tree act like it's in a Mountains or Taiga biome for an infinite duration.

Coba Berry

- Effect on Pokemon: Halves damage from one super effective Flying-type attack.
- Bait Effect: Makes Flying Type Pokémon 10x more likely to be encountered
- Berries are obtained from harvesting a berry tree, which can be found around the player's world. Each berry tree gives a selected amount of berries per yield.
- Paras 2.5%
- Parasect 5%
- Farfetch'd [Galarian] 2.5%
- Sunkern 2.5%
- Sunflora 5%
- Heracross 5%
- Kricketot 2.5%
- Kricketune 5%
- Lilligant [Hisuian] 5%
- Gossifleur 2.5%
- Eldegoss 5%
- Sirfetch'd 5%
Colbur Berry

- Effect on Pokemon: Halves damage from one super effective Dark-type attack.
- Bait Effect: Makes Dark Type Pokémon 10x more likely to be encountered
- Berries are obtained from harvesting a berry tree, which can be found around the player's world. Each berry tree gives a selected amount of berries per yield.
- Wobbuffet 5%
- Lunatone 5%
- Solrock 5%
- Baltoy 2.5%
- Claydol 5%
- Chimecho 5%
- Wynaut 2.5%
- Chingling 2.5%
- Woobat 2.5%
- Swoobat 5%
- Sigilyph 5%
- Zorua 2.5%
- Zorua [Hisuian] 2.5%
- Zoroark [Hisuian] 5%
- Elgyem 2.5%
- Beheeyem 5%
- Golett 2.5%
- Golurk 5%
Cornn Berry

- Bait Effect: 75% chance to attract a Pokémon with a Special Attack boosting nature

- Berry Mutation: Bluk + Wiki
Custap Berry

- Effect on Pokemon: Holder moves first in its priority bracket when at 1/4 max HP or less.
- Bait Effect: Reduces bite time by 25%, increases chance for items to be caught

- Berry Mutation: Chilan + Watmel
Durin Berry

- Bait Effect: 100% chance to attract a Pokémon with a Special Defense boosting nature

- Berry Mutation: Babiri + Rabuta
Enigma Berry

- Effect on Pokemon: Restore 1/4 max HP after being hit by a super effective move.
- Bait Effect: 5% chance to attract a Pokémon with a Hidden Ability
- Berry Mutations:
- Occa + Hopo
- Passho + Hopo
- Wacan + Hopo
- Rindo + Hopo
- Yache + Hopo
- Chople + Hopo
- Kebia + Hopo
- Shuca + Hopo
- Coba + Hopo
- Payapa + Hopo
- Tanga + Hopo
- Charti + Hopo
- Kasib + Hopo
- Haban + Hopo
- Colbur + Hopo
- Babiri + Hopo
- Chilan + Hopo
- Roseli + Hopo
Figy Berry

- Effect on Pokemon: Restores 1/3 max HP at 1/4 HP or less, confuses Pokémon with Attack lowering natures.
- Bait Effect: 50% chance to attract a Pokémon with an Attack boosting nature

- Berry Mutation: Cheri + Persim
Ganlon Berry

- Effect on Pokemon: Raises the holder's Defense stat by 1 when at 1/4 max HP or less.
- Bait Effect: Increases the Pokémon's Defense IV by 5

- Berry Mutation: Qualot + Watmel
Grepa Berry

- Effect on Pokemon: Lowers the pokémon's Special Defense EVs by 10, while raising friendship.
- Bait Effect: Attracts Pokémon with Defense EV Yields

- Berry Mutation: Yache + Nomel
Growth Mulch

- It increases the growth rate of the Berry Tree that it is used on for 3 harvests.

Haban Berry

- Effect on Pokemon: Halves damage from one super effective Dragon-type attack.
- Bait Effect: Makes Dragon-type Pokémon 10x more likely to be encountered
- Berries are obtained from harvesting a berry tree, which can be found around the player's world. Each berry tree gives a selected amount of berries per yield.
- Gible 2.5%
- Gabite 5%
- Garchomp 10%
- Goomy 2.5%
- Sliggoo 5%
- Goodra 10%
- Turtonator 5%
- Dreepy 2.5%
- Drakloak 5%
- Dragapult 10%
- Cyclizar 5%
- Tatsugiri 5%
Hondew Berry

- Effect on Pokemon: Lowers the Pokémon's Special Attack EVs by 10, while raising friendship.
- Bait Effect: Attracts Pokémon with Special Defense EV Yields

- Berry Mutation: Shuca + Rabuta
Hopo Berry

- Effect on Pokemon: Cannot be eaten by the holder.
Restores 10PP to any move outside of battle. - Bait Effect: Increases the Pokémon's level by 10

- Berry Mutation: Leppa + Lum
Humid Mulch

- It makes the Berry Tree act like it's in a Jungle or Swamp biome for an infinite duration.

Iapapa Berry

- Effect on Pokemon: Restores 1/3 max HP at 1/4 HP or less, confuses Pokémon with Defense lowering natures.
- Bait Effect: 50% chance to attract a Pokémon with a Defense boosting nature

- Berry Mutation: Aspear + Persim
Jaboca Berry

- Effect on Pokemon: If the holder is hit by a physical move, the attacker loses 1/8 of its max HP.
- Bait Effect: Increases the Pokémon's base friendship by 100

- Berry Mutation: Charti + Durin
Kasib Berry

- Effect on Pokemon: Halves damage from one super effective Ghost-type attack.
- Bait Effect: Makes Ghost Type Pokémon 10x more likely to be encountered
- Berries are obtained from harvesting a berry tree, which can be found around the player's world. Each berry tree gives a selected amount of berries per yield.
- Abra 2.5%
- Kadabra 5%
- Alakazam 10%
- Misdreavus 2.5%
- Ralts 2.5%
- Kirlia 5%
- Gardevoir 10%
- Duskull 1.5%
- Dusclops 5%
- Drifloon 2.5%
- Drifblim 5%
- Mismagius 5%
- Gallade 10%
- Dusknoir 10%
- Frillish 2.5%
- Jellicent 5%
- Pumpkaboo 2.5%
- Gourgeist 5%
- Greavard 2.5%
- Houndstone 5%
Kebia Berry

- Effect on Pokemon: Halves damage from one super effective Poison-type attack.
- Bait Effect: Makes Poison Type Pokémon 10x more likely to be encountered
- Berries are obtained from harvesting a berry tree, which can be found around the player's world. Each berry tree gives a selected amount of berries per yield.
- Marill 5%
- Azumarill 10%
- Lotad 2.5%
- Lombre 5%
- Ludicolo 10%
- Shroomish 2.5%
- Breloom 5%
- Azurill
- Carnivine 5%
- Cottonee 2.5%
- Whimsicott 5%
- Flabebe 2.5%
- Floette 5%
- Florges 10%
- Morelull 2.5%
- Shiinotic 5%
- Comfey 5%
Kee Berry

- Effect on Pokemon: Raises holder's Defense stat by one stage after being hit by a physical attack.
- Bait Effect: 25% chance to attract a female Pokémon

- Berry Mutation: Kasib + Enigma
Kelpsy Berry

- Effect on Pokemon: Lowers the Pokémon's Attack EVs by 10, while raising friendship.
- Bait Effect: Attracts Pokémon with Special Attack EV Yields

- Berry Mutation: Rindo + Cornn
Lansat Berry

- Effect on Pokemon: Raises the holder's Critical Ratio by one stage when at 1/4 max HP or less.
- Bait Effect: Increases the Pokémon's HP IV by 5

- Berry Mutation: Chople + Spelon
Leppa Berry

- Effect on Pokemon: Restores 10PP to the first of the holder's moves to reach 0PP. Restores 10PP to any move outside of battle.
- Bait Effect: Increases the Pokémon's level by 5
Liechi Berry

- Effect on Pokemon: Raises the holder's Attack stat by 1 when at 1/4 max HP or less.
- Bait Effect: Increases the Pokémon's Attack IV by 5

- Berry Mutation: Kelpsy + Pamtre
Loamy Mulch

- It makes the Berry Tree act like it's in a Plains biome for an infinite duration.

Lum Berry

- Effect on Pokemon: Cures any non-volatile status or confusion.
- Bait Effect: Makes Pokémon in the Dragon and Monster Egg Groups 10x more likely to be encountered
Mago Berry

- Effect on Pokemon: Restores 1/3 max HP at 1/4 HP or less, confuses Pokémon with Speed lowering natures.
- Bait Effect: 50% chance to attract a Pokémon with a Speed boosting nature

- Berry Mutation: Pecha + Persim
Magost Berry

- Bait Effect: 75% chance to attract a Pokémon with a Speed boosting nature

- Berry Mutation: Nanab + Mago
Maranga Berry

- Effect on Pokemon: Raises holder's Special Defense stat by one stage after being hit by a special attack.
- Bait Effect: 25% chance to attract a male Pokémon

- Berry Mutation: Wacan + Enigma
Medicinal Leek

An item to be held by a Pokémon. It boosts the critical hit ratio of a Farfetch'd or Sirfetch'd that holds it by two stages.
- Breaking a fully grown medicinal leek drops 2-3 medicinal leeks, while a non-fully grown one will only ever drop 1. Using a tool enchanted with fortune will cause a fully grown leek to drop more, up to a maximum of 5 leeks.
- Medicinal leeks can be found spawning in clusters of 4~ spread out near the shores of non-saltwater water biomes. This includes rivers, swamps, and any modded biome tagged as Freshwater.
When planted on top of water or any waterlogged block, medicinal leeks will go through 4 growth stages. Their growth rate is not affected by light or other environmental factors.
When bone meal is used on a medicinal leek, its growth stage will increase by one.
- Farfetch'd
- Farfetch'd [Galarian]
- Sirfetch'd
Mental Herb

An item to be held by a Pokémon. It cures the holder of infatuation, Taunt, Encore, Torment, Heal Block, or Disable. It will be consumed after use.
- By utilizing a bag of Surprise Mulch at Stage 0, a Stage 9 Revival Herb crop can be mutated into one of the 4 following crops: Mental Herb, Power Herb, White Herb, or Mirror Herb.
- Breaking a Mental Herb crop drops 1 Mental Herb.
- Mental Herb can be composted with a 100% chance of adding a layer.
- Lotad 2.5%
- Lombre 5%
- Ludicolo 10%
Micle Berry

- Effect on Pokemon: Holder gains 1.2x accuracy for its next move when at 1/4 max HP or less.
- Bait Effect: Reduces bite time by 25%, prevents items from being caught

- Berry Mutation: Kebia + Pamtre
Mirror Herb

An item to be held by a Pokémon. It copies all of the opponent's increased stats. It will be consumed after use.
By utilizing a bag of Surprise Mulch at Stage 0, a Stage 9 Revival Herb crop can be mutated into one of the 4 following crops: Mental Herb, Power Herb, White Herb, or Mirror Herb.
Breaking a Mirror Herb crop drops 1 Mirror Herb.
- Mirror Herb can be composted with a 100% chance of adding a layer.

- It is an item that is used to craft a variety of different Mulches. It is the fundamental component in creating Mulch used in applying modifiers to berry trees, as well as mutating Revival Herbs.

Nanab Berry

- Bait Effect: 25% chance to attract a Pokémon with a Speed boosting nature
- Berries are obtained from harvesting a berry tree, which can be found around the player's world. Each berry tree gives a selected amount of berries per yield.
- Cubone 2.5%
- Marowak 5%
- Aipom 2.5%
- Tropius
- Ambipom 5%
- Joltik 2.5%
- Galvantula 5%
- Falinks 5%
- Cufant 2.5%
- Copperajah 5%
- Fidough 2.5%
- Dachsbun 5%
- Shroodle 2.5%
- Grafaiai 5%
Nomel Berry

- Bait Effect: 75% chance to attract a Pokémon with a Defense boosting nature

- Berry Mutation: Pinap + Iapapa
Occa Berry

- Effect on Pokemon: Halves damage from one super effective Fire-type attack.
- Bait Effect: Makes Fire Type Pokemon 10x more likely to be encountered
- Berries are obtained from harvesting a berry tree, which can be found around the player's world. Each berry tree gives a selected amount of berries per yield.
- Pineco 2.5%
- Forretress 5%
- Mawile 5%
- Pansage 2.5%
- Simisage 5%
- Ferroseed 2.5%
- Ferrothorn 5%
- Durant 2.5%
Oran Berry

- Effect on Pokemon: Restores 10HP when at 1/2 max HP or less.
- Bait Effect: Reduces bite time by 33%
- Berries are obtained from harvesting a berry tree, which can be found around the player's world. Each berry tree gives a selected amount of berries per yield.
- Pikachu 5%
- Raichu 10%
- Jigglypuff 5%
- Wigglytuff 10%
- Lickitung 2.5%
- Sentret 2.5%
- Furret 5%
- Pichu 2.5%
- Igglybuff 2.5%
- Teddiursa 2.5%
- Ursaring 5%
- Miltank 5%
- Zigzagoon 2.5%
- Linoone 5%
- Gulpin 2.5%
- Swalot 5%
- Bidoof 2.5%
- Bibarel 5%
- Lickilicky 5%
- Skiddo 2.5%
- Gogoat 2.5%
- Skwovet
- Greedent
- Ursaluna 10%
- Lechonk 2.5%
- Oinkologne 5%
Pamtre Berry

- Bait Effect: 100% chance to attract a Pokémon with a Special Attack boosting nature

- Berry Mutation: Passho + Cornn
Passho Berry

- Effect on Pokemon: Halves damage from one super effective Water-type attack.
- Bait Effect: Makes Water Type Pokémon 10x more likely to be encountered
- Berries are obtained from harvesting a berry tree, which can be found around the player's world. Each berry tree gives a selected amount of berries per yield.
- Onix 2.5%
- Rhyhorn 2.5%
- Rhydon 5%
- Sudowoodo 5%
- Steelix 5%
- Slugma 2.5%
- Magcargo 5%
- Phanpy 2.5%
- Donphan 5%
- Bonsly 2.5%
- Rhyperior 10%
- Mudbray 2.5%
- Mudsdale 5%
- Sandygast 2.5%
- Palossand 5%
- Nacli 2.5%
- Naclstack 5%
- Garganacl 10%
Payapa Berry

- Effect on Pokemon: Halves damage from one super effective Psychic-type attack.
- Bait Effect: Makes Psychic Type Pokémon 10x more likely to be encountered
- Berries are obtained from harvesting a berry tree, which can be found around the player's world. Each berry tree gives a selected amount of berries per yield.
- Mankey 2.5%
- Primeape 5%
- Gastly 2.5%
- Haunter 5%
- Gengar 10%
- Hitmonlee 5%
- Hitmonchan 5%
- Sneasel [Hisuian] 2.5%
- Tyrogue 2.5%
- Hitmontop 5%
- Makuhita 2.5%
- Hariyama 5%
- Croagunk 2.5%
- Toxicroack 5%
- Sneasler 5%
- Flamigo 5%
- Annihilape 10%
Peat Mulch

- It makes the Berry Tree act like it's in a Forest biome for an infinite duration.

Pecha Berry

- Effect on Pokemon: Holder is cured if it is poisoned.
- Bait Effect: Makes Pokémon in the Water 3 and Bug Egg Groups 10x more likely to be encountered
- Berries are obtained from harvesting a berry tree, which can be found around the player's world. Each berry tree gives a selected amount of berries per yield.
- Rattata [Alolan] 2.5%
- Raticate 5%
- Nidoran F 2.5%
- Nidorina 5%
- Nidoqueen 10%
- Nidoran M 2.5%
- Nidorino 5%
- Nidoking 10%
- Oddish 2.5%
- Gloom 5%
- Vileplume 10%
- Vellossom 10%
- Wooper [Paldean] 2.5%
- Poochyena 2.5%
- Mightyena 5%
- Roselia 5%
- Budew 2.5%
- Roserade 10%
- Venipede 2.5%
- Whirlipede 5%
- Scolipede 10%
- Skrelp 2.5%
- Dragalge 5%
- Mareanie 2.5%
- Toxapex 5%
- Clodsire 5%
Pep-Up Flower

- It is a crop that can be used to craft various medicines. They are obtained via the final growth stage of Revival Herbs. It can also be placed in a Flower Pot.
- Breaking the final stage of a Revival Herb drops 1-2 Pep-Up Flowers.
Persim Berry

- Effect on Pokemon: Holder is cured if it is confused.
- Bait Effect: Makes Pokémon in the Mineral and Amorphous Egg Groups 10x more likely to be encountered, chance to attract a special Wooper variant
- Berries are obtained from harvesting a berry tree, which can be found around the player's world. Each berry tree gives a selected amount of berries per yield.
- Zubat 2.5%
- Golbat 5%
- Venonat 2.5%
- Venomoth 5%
- Crobat 10%
- Chinchou 2.5%
- Lanturn 5%
- Natu 2.5%
- Xatu 5%
- Girafarig 2.5%
- Stantler 2.5%
- Kecleon 5%
- Chatot 5%
- Petilil 2.5%
- Lilligant 5%
- Gothita 2.5%
- Gothorita 5%
- Gothitelle 10%
- Bounsweet 2.5%
- Steenee 5 %
- Tsareena 10%
- Drampa 5%
- Wyrdeer 5%
- Farigiraf 5%
Petaya Berry

- Effect on Pokemon: Raises the holder's Special Attack stat by 1 when at 1/4 max HP or less.
- Bait Effect: Increases the Pokémon's Special Attack IV by 5

- Berry Mutation: Hondew + Durin
Pinap Berry

- Bait Effect: Has a 25% chance to attract a Pokémon with a Defense boosting nature
- Berries are obtained from harvesting a berry tree, which can be found around the player's world. Each berry tree gives a selected amount of berries per yield.
- Weedle 2.5%
- Kakuna 2.5%
- Beedrill 5%
- Meowth 2.5%
- Persian 5%
- Bellsprout 2.5%
- Weepinbell 5%
- Victreebel 10%
- Krabby 2.5%
- Kingler 5%
- Pinsir 5%
- Skarmory 5%
- Drilbur 2.5%
- Excadrill 5%
- Klawf 5%
Pomeg Berry

- Effect on Pokemon: Lowers the Pokémon's HP EVs by 10, while raising friendship.
- Bait Effect: Attracts Pokémon with HP EV Yields

- Berry Mutation: Haban + Sitrus
Power Herb

An item to be held by a Pokémon. It allows the holder to execute a move that charges in one turn. It will be consumed on use.
- By utilizing a bag of Surprise Mulch at Stage 0, a Stage 9 Revival Herb crop can be mutated into one of the 4 following crops: Mental Herb, Power Herb, White Herb, or Mirror Herb.
Breaking a Power Herb crop drops 1 Power Herb.
- Power Herb can be composted with a 100% chance of adding a layer.
Qualot Berry

- Effect on Pokemon: Lowers the Pokémon's Defense EVs by 10, while raising friendship.
- Bait Effect: Attracts Pokémon with Speed EV Yields

- Berry Mutation: Roseli + Magost
Rabuta Berry

- Bait Effect: 75% chance to attract a Pokémon with a Special Defense boosting nature

- Berry Mutation: Wepear + Aguav
Rawst Berry

- Effect on Pokemon: Holder is cured if it is burned.
- Bait Effect: Makes Pokémon in the Field Egg Group 10x more likely to be encountered
- Berries are obtained from harvesting a berry tree, which can be found around the player's world. Each berry tree gives a selected amount of berries per yield.
- Vulpix 2.5%
- Ninetales 5%
- Growlithe 2.5%
- Arcanine 5%
- Magmar 5%
- Magby 2.5%
- Numel 2.5%
- Camerupt 5%
- Magmortar 10%
- Darumaka 2.5%
- Darmanitan 5%
- Litwick 2.5%
- Lampent 5%
- Chandelure 10%
- Heatmore 5%
- Fletcling 2.5%
- Fletchinder 5%
- Talonfame 10%
- Phantump 2.5%
- Trevenant 5%
- Charcadet 2.5%
- Armarouge 5%
- Ceruledge 5%
- Capsakid 2.5%
- Scovillain 5%
Razz Berry

- Bait Effect: 25% chance to attract a Pokémon with an Attack boosting nature
- Berries are obtained from harvesting a berry tree, which can be found around the player's world. Each berry tree gives a selected amount of berries per yield.
- Ponyta [Galarian] 2.5%
- Rapidash [Galarian] 5%
- Volbeat 5%
- Pidove 2.5%
- Tranquill 5%
- Unfezant 10%
- Timburr 2.5%
- Gurdurr 5%
- Conkeldurr 10%
- Refflet 2.5%
- Braviary 5%
- Wattrel 2.5%
- Kilowattrel 5%
- Tinkatink 2.5%
- Tinkatuff 5%
- Tinkaton 10%
- Bombirdier 5%
Revival Herb

It is a crop that can be found growing naturally in Lush Caves. It can be used to craft certain items or used directly to fully revive a fainted Pokémon whilst reducing Friendship.
- Stage 1-7 Revival Herbs will drop a single Revival Herb. Stage 8 Revival Herbs will drop 2-3 Revival Herb. Stage 9 Revival herbs will drop 3-4 Revival Herbs and 1-2 Pep-Up Flowers.
- Revival Herbs can be found growing naturally in Lush Caves.
Revival Herbs can be placed on farmland. After being placed, it goes through eight stages of growth. When bone meal is used on a Revival Herb crop, its growth stage will increase by one.
- Petilil 1.5%
- Lilligant 5%
- Lilligant [Hisuian] 5%
Rich Mulch

- It increases the yield of the harvest of the Berry Tree that it is used on for 3 harvests.

Rindo Berry

- Effect on Pokemon: Halves damage from one super effective Grass-type attack.
- Bait Effect: Makes Grass Type Pokémon 10x more likely to be encountered
- Berries are obtained from harvesting a berry tree, which can be found around the player's world. Each berry tree gives a selected amount of berries per yield.
- Geodude 2.5%
- Graveler 5%
- Golem 10%
- Wooper 2.5%
- Quagsire 5%
- Corsola 5%
- Barboach 2.5%
- Whiscash 5%
- Relicanth 5%
- Shellos 2.5%
- Gastrodon 5%
- Finneon 2.5%
- Lumineon 5%
- Panpour 2.5%
- Simipour 5%
Roseli Berry

- Effect on Pokemon: Halves damage from one super effective Fairy-type attack.
- Bait Effect: Makes Fairy Type Pokémon 10x more likely to be encountered
- Berries are obtained from harvesting a berry tree, which can be found around the player's world. Each berry tree gives a selected amount of berries per yield.
- Sableye 5%
- Absol 5%
- Scraggy 2.5%
- Scrafty 5%
- Zoroark 5%
- Deino 2.5%
- Zweilous 5%
- Hydreigon 10%
- Jangmo-o 2.5%
- Hakamo-o 2.5%
- Kommo-o 2.5%
- Nickit 2.5%
- Thievul 5%
- Impidimp 2.5%
- Morgrem 5%
- Grimmsnarl 10%
- Morpeko 5%
Rowap Berry

- Effect on Pokemon: If the holder is hit by a special move, the attacker loses 1/8 of its max HP.
- Bait Effect: No effect (Will increase chance for marks when they are implemented)

- Berry Mutation: Coba + Belue
Salac Berry

- Effect on Pokemon: Raises the holder's Speed stat by 1 when at 1/4 max HP or less.
- Bait Effect: Increases the Pokémon's Speed IV by 5

- Berry Mutation: Tamato + Spelon
Sandy Mulch

- It makes the Berry Tree act like it's in an Arid biome for an infinite duration.

Shuca Berry

- Effect on Pokemon: Halves damage from one super effective Ground-type attack.
- Bait Effect: Makes Ground Type Pokémon 10x more likely to be encountered
- Berries are obtained from harvesting a berry tree, which can be found around the player's world. Each berry tree gives a selected amount of berries per yield.
- Ponyta 2.5%
- Rapidash 5%
- Magnemite 2.5%
- Magneton 5%
- Shinx 2.5%
- Luxio 5%
- Luxray 10%
- Magnezone 10%
- Salandit 2.5%
- Salazzle 5%
- Varoom 2.5%
- Revavroom 5%
- Orthworm 5%
- Glimmet 2.5%
- Glimmora 5%
Sitrus Berry

- Effect on Pokemon: Restores 1/4 max HP at 1/2 HP or less.
- Bait Effect: Reduces bite time by 50%
Sky Tumblestone

- It is a crystal ore that can grows in a variety of colors. They are used to craft Ancient Poké Balls.
- Tumblestone can be found as loot inside of ruins structures. It can also be obtained by mining a tumblestone cluster, yielding 1 if not fully grown or 4 if fully grown.
- Available in Spawn NPC:
- Buy Price: 80 Pokedollars
- Sell Price: 8 Pokedollars
Spelon Berry

- Bait Effect: 100% chance to attract a Pokémon with an Attack boosting nature

- Berry Mutation: Colbur + Touga
Starf Berry

- Effect on Pokemon: Raises a random stat by 2 when at 1/4 max HP or less.
- Bait Effect: Adds an extra shiny roll
Surprise Mulch

- It increases the chances for a mutation of a Berry on the Berry Tree for 3 harvests. It can also mutate a fully grown Revival Herb into a Mental Herb, Power Herb, White Herb, or Mirror Herb.

Tamato Berry

- Effect on Pokemon: Lowers the Pokémon's Speed EVs by 10, while raising friendship.
- Bait Effect: Attracts Pokémon with Attack EV Yields

- Berry Mutation: Occa + Touga
Tanga Berry

- Effect on Pokemon: Halves damage from one super effective Bug-type attack.
- Bait Effect: Makes Bug Type Pokémon 10x more likely to be encountered
- Berries are obtained from harvesting a berry tree, which can be found around the player's world. Each berry tree gives a selected amount of berries per yield.
- Exeggcute 2.5%
- Exeggutor 5%
- Seedot 2.5%
- Nuzleaf 5%
- Shiftry 10%
- Spoink 2.5%
- Grumpig 5%
- Cacnea 2.5%
- Cacturne 5%
- Sandile 2.5%
- Krokorok 5%
- Krookodile 10%
- Fomantis 2.5%
- Lurantis 5%
- Maschiff 2.5%
- Mabosstiff 5%
- Flittle 2.5%
- Espathra 5%
Touga Berry

- Effect on Pokemon: Cures confusion.
- Bait Effect: 75% chance to attract a Pokémon with an Attack boosting nature

- Berry Mutation: Razz + Figy

- It is a crystal ore that can grows in a variety of colors. They are used to craft Ancient Poké Balls.
- Tumblestone can be found as loot inside of ruins structures. It can also be obtained by mining a tumblestone cluster, yielding 1 if not fully grown or 4 if fully grown.
- Available in Spawn NPC:
- Buy Price: 80 Pokedollars
- Sell Price: 8 Pokedollars

- It is a rare item only obtained by harvesting vivichoke crops grown from vivichoke seeds. Its primary use is to increase a medicine's potency.
- Vivichokes are obtained by harvesting the final stage of a vivichoke crop, which produces one vivichoke.
Vivichoke Dip

- It is a rare item only obtained by harvesting vivichoke crops grown from vivichoke seeds. Its primary use is to increase a medicine's potency.
- Vivichokes are obtained by harvesting the final stage of a vivichoke crop, which produces one vivichoke.
Vivichoke Seeds

- They are items that can be used to grow vivichoke crops found through wandering traders, farmer villager trades, village houses, and certain structure's chests.

- Monster rooms, Mineshafts, Jungle pyramids, Village houses, and Shipwreck supply chests may contain vivichoke seeds in stacks of 1-3.
Wacan Berry

- Effect on Pokemon: Halves damage from one super effective Electric-type attack.
- Bait Effect: Makes Electric Type Pokémon 10x more likely to be encountered
- Berries are obtained from harvesting a berry tree, which can be found around the player's world. Each berry tree gives a selected amount of berries per yield.
- Doduo 2.5%
- Dodrio 5%
- Goldeen 2.5%
- Seaking 5%
- Magikarp 2.5%
- Gyarados 5%
- Mantine 5%
- Wingull 2.5%
- Pelipper 5%
- Surskit 2.5%
- Masquerain 5%
- Buizel 2.5%
- Floatzel 5%
- Mantyke 2.5%
- Rookidee 2.5%
- Corvisquire 5%
- Corviknight 10%
- Cramorant 5%
Watmel Berry

- Bait Effect: 100% chance to attract a Pokémon with a Speed boosting nature

- Berry Mutation: Tanga + Magost
Wepear Berry

- Bait Effect: 25% chance to attract a Pokémon with a Special Defense boosting nature
- Berries are obtained from harvesting a berry tree, which can be found around the player's world. Each berry tree gives a selected amount of berries per yield.
- Caterpie 2.5%
- Metapod 2.5%
- Butterfree 5%
- Meowth [Galarian] 2.5%
- Machop 2.5%
- Machoke 5%
- Machamp 10%
- Scyther 2.5%
- Scizor 5%
- Bouffalant 5%
- Dewpider 2.5%
- Araquanid 5%
- Yamper 2.5%
- Boltund 5%
- Perrserker 5%
- Kleavor 5%
- Tadbulb 2.5%
- Bellibolt 5%
White Herb

An item to be held by a Pokémon. It restores all of the holder's decreased stats. It will be consumed after use.
- By utilizing a bag of Surprise Mulch at Stage 0, a Stage 9 Revival Herb crop can be mutated into one of the 4 following crops: Mental Herb, Power Herb, White Herb, or Mirror Herb.
- Breaking a White Herb crop drops 1 White Herb.
- White Herb can be composted with a 100% chance of adding a layer.
Wiki Berry

- Effect on Pokemon: Restores 1/3 max HP at 1/4 HP or less, confuses Pokémon with Special attack lowering natures.
- Bait Effect: 50% chance to attract a Pokémon with a Special Attack boosting nature

- Berry Mutation: Chesto + Persim
Yache Berry

- Effect on Pokemon: Halves damage from one super effective Ice-type attack.
- Bait Effect: Makes Ice Type Pokémon 10x more likely to be encountered
- Berries are obtained from harvesting a berry tree, which can be found around the player's world. Each berry tree gives a selected amount of berries per yield.
- Dratini 2.5%
- Dragonair 5%
- Dragonite 10%
- Hoppip 2.5%
- Skiploom 5%
- Jumpluff 10%
- Gligar 2.5%
- Trapinch 2.5%
- Vibrava 5%
- Flygon 10%
- Bagon 2.5%
- Shelgon 5%
- Salamence 10%
- Starly 2.5%
- Starvia 5%
- Staraptor 10%
- Gliscor 5%
- Deerling 2.5%
- Sawsbuck 5%
- Emolga 5%
- Toedscool 2.5%
- Toedscruel 2.5%