1.6 Cobblemon
- /club - Takes you to the Club build world
- /diamond - Takes you to the Diamon build world
- /spawn - Takes you to the spawn area where you interact with shop NPCs, Poke centers, and more
- /warp - Allows you to warp to a few different locations listed in spawn.
- /warplist - Allows you to see every location you can warp to.
- /rtp - Takes you to a random new location
- /ec or /enderchest - Access your enderchest from anywhere
- /kits - Opens kit UI where you can claim your rank kits every 30 days
- /gts add item (slot number) (price) - Adds an item to GTS
- /gts add pokemon (party number)(price) - Adds a pokemon to GTS)
- /pokesell - Opens a UI for where you can sell your Pokémon for pokedollars
- /sethome (name) - Creates a home
- /home (name) - Teleports you to your home
- /homelist - Pulls up a list of homes where you can teleport to or manage them
- /delhome (name) - Deletes a home
- /pay (amount) (IGN) (currency type) - Sends payment to another player
- /pets - Opens up the pets UI
- /mounts - Opens up the mounts UI
- /tpa (IGN) - Teleport to a player
- /tpaaccept - Accepts incoming teleport
- /pokegift (IGN)(Slot number) - Allows you to send a Pokémon to a player
- /checkspawn (rarity) - Shows Pokémon spawns in the area you are standing
- /balance - Shows your balance
- /trash - Portable trash can
- /daycare - Brings up breeding UI
- /lastlegend - Shows the last legend that spawned
- /rsw - Takes you to the Resource World
- Press "k" for cosmetics (If this doesn't work, check your keybinds)
- Press "b" for card binder (If this doesn't work, check your keybinds)

Creating Claims:
You can create a claim a couple different ways.
Max claim size of 6400 blocks.
Golden Shovel:
You can obtain a golden shovel from your starter kit with /kits.
- Hold out your golden shovel in your main hand and right-click on the ground where you want the first corner of your claim to be.
- While continuing to hold the Golden Shovel in your hand, walk over to the spot you want the second corner of your claim and right click it. Note that claims have to be at least a 5x5 area. Claims cover build height down to bedrock.
You can use /claim to turn on claim mode.
- Left click to inspect
- Right click to claim
- /claim to exit mode
Viewing Claims
While holding a stick in your hand, you can right click within a claim to view the claim borders marked in temporary Gold Blocks and Glowstone.
- /claimlist
You can use this to see all your claims. This also allows you to get back to your claim at any time.
- /gd toggle gui
This will toggle on and off a UI screen instead of displaying in game chat
- /gd player info
This brings up a list of information such as accrued blocks, amount of claims, remaining blocks and more!
Trusting Others:
By default, nobody will be able to build or do anything in your claim. If you want to add someone to a claim, however, there's a set of tools you can use to do so giving various levels of access.
- /trust <IGN> accessor
Grants a player entry to your claim(s) and use of your bed
- /trust <IGN> container
Grants a player access to your claim's containers, crops, animals, bed, buttons, and levers
- /trust <IGN> builder
Grants a player edit access to your claim(s)
- /trust <IGN> manager
Grants a player access to all of the above including claim settings
- /untrust <IGN>
Revokes a player's access to your claim
- /trustlist
Shows a list of everyone who is trusted
- /trust public
Gives everyone access to your claim
Abandoning Claims
- /abandonclaim
Using this command while standing in a claim will remove it
- /abandonallclaims
Use this command to remove all of your claims.
Resizing Claims
You can simply right click one of the golden corners of a claim to resize it.
- /claimexpand <amount>
This will also expand your claim
Claim Flags
- /gd flag claim
This pulls up a list in chat of things that you can toggle true and false for your claim